Crucial renovation support schemes must survive political cycles
26th May 2023
The highly successful fourth edition of the C4E Forum ends today.
Representatives from all sectors and across the CEE reunited to discuss how energy efficiency and renovation are key to meet our climate and security goals.
Slovakian President Zuzana Čaputová, patron of the event, addressed the participants highlighting that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has increased the sense of urgency for energy transition policies and that “supporting the Renovation Wave […] will help reduce energy bills. This could be a real gamechanger.”
Jan Kříž, recipient of the first C4E Champion Award
25th May 2023
Congratulations to Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic Jan Kříž for receiving the first C4E Champion Award.
We encourage all all public officials in Central and Eastern Europe to follow his example and prioritise the deployment of policies in favour of increasing energy renovation rates and expand the presence of energy efficient buildings.
Industry teams up to boost building renovation and energy efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe
24th May 2023
Last evening, industry leaders in the energy efficiency field came together to sign a joint commitment to raise the profile of building renovation and energy efficiency as well as to better leverage their expertise for better collaboration with other stakeholders.
Signatories: Daikin, Danfoss, Knauf Insulation, ROCKWOOL Group, Saint-Gobain, Signify, VELUX.
Thank you all for your efforts in working towards a more energy efficient future for Central and Eastern Europe.
Energy Efficiency takes central stage in Central and Eastern Europe: The C4E Forum 2023 begins!
23rd May 2023
The 4th edition of the C4E Forum begins today!
This year, the event takes place in Slovakia.
The three key topics for this year are energy security, the rebuilding of Ukraine and EU policy (REPowerEU and Fit-for-55 package).
During the 3-day event we will hold 2 Plenary sessions, 16 Panel sessions, 7 Workshops, and the traditional Controversial Ideas session. We will also announce the first recipient of the C4E Champion Award and exhibit a poster session for the first time.
Also, all our sponsors will come together to sign a Memorandum committing to boost building renovation and energy efficiency in the CEE.
Nominate your candidate for the C4E Champion Award
28th February 2023
We are looking for the Central and Eastern European energy efficiency champions!
The C4E Champion Award recognises the contribution of public officials in the CEE region to progressing energy efficiency policies in their country or region.
The Award ceremony will take place at C4E Forum 2023.
Norbert Kurilla - Senior advisor to the President of the Slovak Republic for environment, energy, climate change and business (Blogpost)
16th February 2023
“Nowadays out-of-crises policies and measures shall be fully compatible with a net-zero world and avoid creating further dependencies. I think many crisis can be turned into an opportunity. Especially from energy security perspective, it could be a positive impetus that drives environmentally sound and sustainable solutions.” writes Norbert Kurilla.
Patronage over the C4E Forum 2023 by President Zuzana Čaputová
24th January 2023
We have the honour and pleasure to announce that the President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová has taken over the patronage of the C4E Forum 2023 which will take place in Šamorín, Slovakia between 23 and 26 May 2023.
Empowering Central and Eastern Europe through Energy Efficiency: Navigating Energy Security, Fit-for-55, and Rebuilding Ukraine (Webinar)
17th January 2023
Revisit our webinar “Empowering Central and Eastern Europe through Energy Efficiency” to get a preview of the exciting topics that will be covered at the C4E Forum conference in Šamorín, Slovakia on May 23-26, 2023.
- Energy Security
- Fit for 55 Package
- Rebuilding Ukraine
Registrations and Call for Presentations Open!
13th December 2022
Registrations and call for presentations for the 2023 edition of the C4EForum2023 are now open!
The event will take place from the 23rd to 26th of May in Šamorín (Slovakia).
Europe is in energy crisis, let’s look at the solutions (Blogpost)
23rd November 2022
“We are living a historical moment, that might mean a new era for many European countries. Looking at the solutions and ways to implement them might be a new restart for green economy transition in many countries in Europe.” writes Katarína Nikodemová.
The Central and Eastern European Region: Front line of the renovation battle (Blogpost)
27th October 2022
“It is time to stop beating around the bush and take drastic measures to improve the performance of our buildings and renovation presents itself as the only sustainable option to tackle the ongoing energy security crisis and strengthen the EU’s resilience and independence towards geopolitical or other factors.” writes Adrian Joyce.
Slovakia to host the C4E Forum 2023

22nd September 2022
The Renovate Europe Campaign (REC), with the support of our national partner Buildings for the Future, is delighted to announce that we will organise the next C4E Forum in Slovakia from the 23rd to the 26th of May 2023.
Giving a new home to the C4E Forum
27th April 2022
It is a great pleasure to announce that the Renovate Europe Campaign (REC) will be the new home to the C4E Forum (Central and Eastern European Energy Efficiency Forum).