Renovate Europe Day took place on 11 October 2011. Experts in the fields of policy, industry, environment and finance debated whether, given the environmental, social and economic challenges that Europe faces, the E.U. can afford not to renovate its building stock.
We would like to thank our speakers at the panel discussion:
- Adrian Joyce – Secretary General Efficient Buildings Europe, Campaign Director Renovate Europe
- Birgitte Bay – Energy Attaché, Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU
- Oliver Rapf – Executive Director, Buildings Performance Institute Europe
- Claude Turmes – Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur on the Energy Efficiency
- Directive
- Britta Thomsen MEP – Member of the European Parliament
- Marie-Christine Roger – Head of the Office for Building Quality and Regulation, French
- Ministry for Energy, Ecology and Sustainable Development
- Werner Buelen – Political Secretary, Building Section, European Federation of Building and
- Wood Workers
- Arianna Vitali Roscini – Policy Officer for Energy Conservation, WWF
- John Larsen – Head of Facilities Centre, Høje Taastrup Municipality, Denmark
- Paul Hodson – Head of Unit C.3, Energy Efficiency and Intelligent Energy, European
- Commission
- Peter Sweatman – CEO, Climate Strategy
- Ansgar Tietmeyer – Management Board of E.U. Affairs, Deutsche Bank
- Steven Daniels- Head of Green Deal Advice, UK Department of Energy and Climate Change
- Cordula Glitzner – Director EU Liaison Office, KfW Bankengruppe

We would also particularly like to thank those who attended Renovate Europe Day and added their contributions to the lively discussions. The panel event was attended by 160 people representating a wide variety of European institutions, NGOs, industry, academia and media. A further full report of the event will be available shortly.
As part of Renovate Europe day two additional events took place. A high level dinner with remarks from Peter Vis took place in the evening of Tuesday 11 October. During the morning of 11 October a working discussion between representatives of the financial services and energy efficiency sectors was hosted by Eurima and Fleishman-Hillard.
The Renovate Europe campaign takes place in the context of ongoing discussions about the Energy Efficiency Directive and aims to pressure policy makers to create effective and relevant energy-efficiency standards. For more information on the Renovate Europe campaign, check out our twitter or join the 3% pledge and call for reduced CO2 emissions, effective job creation and increased energy security in Europe.
Renovate Europe Day hosted the launch of BPIE study ‘Europe’s Buildings Under the Microscope’. The study aims to provide a clear overview of Europe’s building stock in order to quantify the financial and energy savings benefits of increased renovation. The report also identifies and proposes solutions to barriers in delivery of retrofit projects.