Über die Kampagne: Die Kampagne „Renovate Europe “(REC) ist eine Initiative der Efficient Buildings Europe. Ihr Ziel ist es, den Energieverbrauch des bestehenden Gebäudebestands in der EU bis 2050 im Vergleich zu 2005 um 80 % zu senken. Die REC fordert die europaweite Umsetzung ehrgeiziger Sanierungsstrategien, durch welche die jährliche Sanierungsrate von Altbauten in der EU bis 2020 von 1 % auf 3 % verdreifacht wird und ausschließlich komplette oder stufenweise energetische Umbauten gefördert werden.

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2021 - Renovate 2 Recover: How Transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?

National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) present a unique opportunity to accelerate the delivery of deep renovation across the EU. The analysis of the NRRPs in this Study demonstrates that significant renovation activity is planned and will be made possible through the successive disbursements of the Recovery Funding. But these renovations must be done properly, and the money must be spent well. This unprecedented additional injection of public funds must set the EU building stock firmly on the path to achieving its Renovation Wave goals to 2030 and meeting the 2050 climate targets.

For NRRPs to be transformational towards achieving these goals, two key aspects need to be strengthened:

  1. Ensure funding delivers a step change towards realising deep (or staged deep) renovations, going well beyond the 30% minimum energy saving recommendation set by the European Commission.
  2. Invest in the right enabling framework, including leverage of private finance, to create sustainable renovation markets that will grow beyond 2026.

German profile from the study commissioned by the Renovate Europe Campaign and conducted by E3G with input from DENEFF.

Click here to read the Full German Profile in the study