12 October 2012
Eco-renovations will boost states’ coffers – study
EU governments could raise up to €128bn by 2017 through additional income and corporate taxes and lower social costs from renovation programmes aimed at improving buildings' energy efficiency, a new study has found. In addition, up to €75bn could be saved on energy bills in the public sector by 2020, according to the Copenhagen Economics study commissioned by the European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EuroACE). In terms of employment, eco-renovations could generate between 760,000 to 1.5 million new jobs by the end of the decade. To facilitate investments, the…
11 October 2012
EU institutions raise pressure for buildings renovation
The buildings sector will benefit from new legislation and guidelines to increase the renovation of EU buildings stock, according to energy commissioner Günther Oettinger. MEP Peter Liese says renovation is a more affordable way to tackle climate change than paying for renewables. Brussels – The buildings sector will benefit from new legislation and guidelines to increase the renovation of EU buildings stock, according to energy commissioner Günther Oettinger. Oettinger today welcomed a recent construction sector strategy report from enterprise commissioner Antonio Tajani, which encourages…
11 October 2012
Renovating Europe’s buildings could boost GDP by €291 billion by 2017
Investing in building renovation could accrue up to €175 billion per year for public finances with an additional “one-off” boost to GDP in the range of €153 to €291 billion for the years up to and including 2017. This is according to a new report prepared by Copenhagen Economics for the Renovate Europe Campaign. The report which was launched at today’s Renovate Europe Day Conference2 , shows that when the challenge of renovating the EU building stock is taken up with a high level of ambition, permanent increases in revenue for public finances will result. The report also provides a number of…
10 October 2012
Croatian Press
Green Energy site: http://www.zelenaenergija.org/hrvatska/clanak/sutra-je-renovate-europe-day-dan-obnove-europe/4488 Build Site: http://www.gradimo.hr/clanak/sutra-je-renovate-europe-day-bdquo-dan-obnove-europe-ldquo/87483
5 October 2012
A STUDY BY COPENHAGEN ECONOMICS Released at Renovate Europe Day, 11 October 2012 The Renovate Europe Campaign reached out to 28 Finance Ministers to highlight the Multiple Benefits of Investing in Energy Efficient Renovations as outlined in this Report. Download the Key Messages Brochure Download the Full Report and Appendix
30 August 2012
Energy Efficiency Policies in Buildings – the Use of Financial Instruments at Member State Level
The BPIE report highlighted the complexity of the sector in large part because Member States had over decades separately developed their buildings sectors in terms of policies, design and construction techniques. The report showed a mosaic of building cultures and policies. Policy-making cannot be undertaken effectively in a knowledge vacuum. With buildings representing about 40% of energy consumption and almost the same level of GHG emissions, there is a need for a strong analytical foundation for policy-making, particularly when there are priority policy concerns such as energy security and…