Last update: 23 August 2022
Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Croatian Country Profile)
Croatia’s NRRP comprises measures worth €6.3bn and allocates €798.4m (12.7%) to the renovation of buildings. €600m is programmed for the reconstruction of buildings damaged in earthquakes including their energy renovation (€23m for residential and €577m for public buildings), €134m are allocated for the wider energy renovation of buildings not affected by earthquakes (€40m for multi-unit buildings and €94m for public buildings), and €40m are set aside for the energy renovation of heritage buildings. A further €5.3m are assigned to skills development in the context of green jobs needed for post-earthquake reconstruction and energy renovation; €4m for increasing administrative efficiency and digitalisation of the renovation process; €2.7m for the introduction of a model green urban renewal strategies, green infrastructure pilots and circular economy projects; €1.6m for the establishment and implementation of systematic energy management and the development of new financing models; and €10.9m are allocated to the development of a seismological data network, including modernisation and integration of seismic data while €0.6 m are for modernization and integration of seismic data for the process of reconstruction and planning of future construction and monitoring of public infrastructure.
Read the full Croatian Country Profile here.

Disbursements’ timeline
- 2021-09-28: The European Commission disbursed € 818 million in pre-financing to Croatia (13% of its financial allocation under the RRF, fully consisting of grants).
- 2022-02-03: Croatia and the European Commission sign the Operational Arrangements.
- 2022-03-16: Croatia submitted the first payment request of €700 million (net of pre-financing). This first payment request relates to 34 milestones covering several reforms.
- 2022-05-10: The Commission published a positive preliminary assessment of the satisfactory fulfilment of all 34 milestones and targets.
- 2022-06-28: The Commission disbursed the first payment of €700 million to Croatia.
Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)
Payment Request for the First Instalment | EUR 804.597.701 | Q1 2022 |
Payment Request for the Second Instalment | EUR 804.597.701 | Q3 2022 |
Payment Request for the Third Instalment | EUR 804.597.701 | Q1 2023 |
Payment Request for the Fourth Instalment | EUR 402.298.851 | Q3 2023 |
Payment Request for the Fifth Instalment | EUR 804.597.701 | Q1 2024 |
Payment Request for the Sixth Instalment | EUR 402.298.851 | Q3 2024 |
Payment Request for the Seventh Instalment | EUR 804.597.701 | Q1 2025 |
Payment Request for the Eighth Instalment | EUR 402.298.851 | Q3 2025 |
Payment Request for the Ninth Instalment | EUR 517.241.379 | Q1 2026 |
Payment Request for the Tenth Instalment | EUR 548.304.709 | Q3 2026 |
Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)
The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:
Number of Milestones | Name of Milestone | Value of whole measure | Indicator | Progress & Comments |
Milestone 1 | Regional diversification and specialisation of Croatian tourism through investments in the development of high added value tourism products – energy efficiency and renewable energy (C1.6. R1-I1.b) | €74.1 million | Publication of tender documentation for the green and digital transition of existing public tourism infrastructure and the development of public tourism infrastructure beyond the main tourist and coastal areas | Completed |
Milestone 2 | Decarbonisation of buildings (C6.1.R1) –
Adoption of national energy renovation programmes for (i) multi-dwelling buildings,(ii) for buildings that have the status of a cultural good (both for the period 2021-30), and for (iii) energy poverty reduction in areas of special state concern (for the period 2021-25) |
Publication on the official website of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets | Completed | |
Milestone 3 | Decarbonisation of buildings (C6.1.R1) –
Adoption of the Programme for the Energy renovation of public sector buildings for the period 2021- 2030 |
Publication on the official website of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets | Completed | |
Milestone 4 | Efficiency gains, reduction of administrative burden and digitalisation of the renovation process – Establishment of in-person one-stop-shop for energy renovation and seismic reinforcement
(C6.1. R3) |
€4 million (part of)
One-stop-shop operational | Completed (useful link) |
Milestone 5 | Implementation of the new construction law and zoning law into practice
(C1.2. R1-I2)
€60.9 million | 50 contracts awarded to companies in tender for RES and EE measures in companies with min reduction of 20% energy consumption, or 40% for industry or production processes | Completed (useful links – here and here) |
All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.