Last update: 23 August 2022

Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G French Country Profile)

The NRRP builds on ‘France Relance’, a large €93.4bn recovery package drawing on funding from both the domestic and EU budgets presented in September 2020. Around 42% of ‘France Relance’ funding (€39.4bn) is included in the NRRP. A total of €6.7bn are allocated to building renovation within the ‘France Relance’ package (7.2%), of which €5.8 bn is financed through the NRRP (14% of NRRP funding). The largest amount allocated is to schools & public administration (€4 bn, of which €3.8bn NRRP), followed by private housing (€2bn, of which €1.4bn NRRP), social housing (€0.5bn, all NRRP) and businesses (€0.2bn, of which €0.12bn NRRP). Further measures to support cultural sectors and heritage renovation (€0.08bn), and medico-social establishments (‘PAI immobilier’ or Real Estate Investment Support Plan part, €1.3bn) are included in other parts of the Plan where the primary objective is not energy renovation.

Read the full French Country Profile here.

Disbursements’ timeline

  • 2021-08-19: The European Commission disbursed € 5.117.881.402 in pre-financing to France (13% of its financial allocation under the RRF, fully consisting of grants).
  • 2021-11-25: France and the European Commission sign the Operational Arrangements.
  • 2021-11-29: France submitted the first payment request of €7.4 billion (net of pre-financing). This first payment request relates to 38 milestones covering several reforms.
  • 2022-01-26: The Commission published a positive preliminary assessment of the satisfactory fulfilment of all 38 milestones and target in relation to the first payment request.
  • 2022-03-04: The Commission disbursed the first payment of €7.4 billion to France.

Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)

Payment Request for the First Instalment EUR 8.505.747.126 Q4 2021
Payment Request for the Second Instalment EUR 14.597.701.149 Q4 2022
Payment Request for the Third Instalment EUR 7.931.034.483 Q4 2023
Payment Request for the Fourth Instalment EUR 3.793.103.448 Q4 2024
Payment Request for the Fifth Instalment EUR 4.540.732.267 Q2 2026

Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)

The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:

Number of Milestones Name of Milestone Value of whole measure Indicator Progress & Comments
Milestone 1 Revised thermal regulation RE2020 (C1.R2) Entry into force of legislative changes included in the new RE2020 in order to reduce GHG emissions of new constructions, improve the energy performance of new buildings and adapt new buildings to climate change. Uncertain

(planned for instalment 2)

Milestone 2 Energy renovation of private housing, including energy sieves

(Investment C1.I1)


€1 404.5 million


At least 400 000 households supported by a grant from ‘MaPrimeRenov’



(part of installment 1)


On private housings (through MaPrimeRénov’): « Le nombre total de dossiers déposés est passé de 192 345 en 2020 à 382 8382 au premier semestre 2021 » .

Table in the « MaPrimeRénov’ » section:

Milestone 3 Energy renovation and major rehabilitation of social housing

(Investment C1.I2)

€500 million At least 20 000 social housing dwelling received a renovation grant, with minimum 30% energy savings on average Completed

(part of installment 1)


Milestone 4 Innovate for the green transition

(Investment C4.I1)

€100 million Validation of 7 ‘acceleration strategies’ for innovation in green transition, including on sustainable cities and innovative buildings Completed

(part of installment 1)


Milestone 5:


Thermal renovation of public buildings

(Investment C1.I3)

€3 800 million 2.900 thermal renovation projects of public buildings belonging to the state


1.954 public buildings belonging to local and regional authorities

Mostly completed (state buildings as part of installment 1, and for local and regional authorities as part of instalment 2)


On public buildings: « L’État a précisé avoir investi, depuis 2019, “plus de 3,8 milliards d’euros” (dont 2,7 dans le cadre de France Relance), pour rénover près de 4.000 de ses bâtiments publics.  ». No information is available regarding the actual reduction of energy consumption following the renovations.

All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.