Last update: 23 August 2022
Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Italian Country Profile)
Italy’s NRRP draws on €235bn in total, of which €191.5bn is from the EU Recovery & Resilience Facility, with the remainder coming from complementary national funds and the REACT-EU Fund. According to Green Recovery Tracker analysis, €33.75bn (14.4%) of the total has been allocated to the buildings component of the Plan. Approximately €22bn is allocated to renovation, of which €15bn is funded through the NRRP. The measures that can be counted as contributing towards energy efficiency renovations make up €8.6bn. The majority (€4.7bn) is directed towards energy efficiency and seismic engineering of private and public housing through the existing ‘Ecobonus’ and ‘Sismabonus’ incentive schemes. They have been augmented by a new ‘Superbonus’ scheme, which offers 110% tax rebate for the purchase cost of technologies such as insulation of the building envelope, heat pumps and new boilers, solar PV and co-generation, and home automation. The scheme runs until the end of 2022. €3.9bn is allocated to school buildings requalification and safety. Other measures include the construction of new kindergartens, schools, and social housing, as well as improving cinemas, theatres and museums. Green Recovery Tracker analysis suggests that the overall impact on climate is not currently assessable for a majority of this funding.
Read the full Italian Country Profile here.
Disbursements’ timeline
- 2021-08-13: The European Commission disbursed €24.9 billion in pre-financing to Italy (13% of its financial allocation under the RRF, fully consisting of grants). It is split in EUR 8.954.466.787 in grants and EUR 15.938.235.352 in loans.
- 2021-12-22: Italy and the European Commission sign the Operational Arrangements.
- 2021-12-30: Italy submitted the first payment request of €21 billion (net of pre-financing). This first payment request relates to 51 milestones covering several reforms.
- 2022-02-28: The Commission published a positive preliminary assessment of the satisfactory fulfilment of all 51 milestones and targets in relation to the first payment request.
- 2022-04-14: The Commission disbursed the first payment of €21 billion to Italy.
- 2021-06-29: Italy submitted the second payment request of €21 billion (net of pre-financing). This second payment request relates to 45 milestones covering several reforms.
Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)
Payment Request for the First Instalment | EUR 11.494.252.874 EUR 12.643.678.161 (loan) |
Q4 2021 |
Payment Request for the Second Instalment | EUR 11.494.252.874 EUR 12.643.678.161 (loan) |
Q2 2022 |
Payment Request for the Third Instalment | EUR 11.494.252.874 EUR 10.344.827.586 (loan) |
Q4 2022 |
Payment Request for the Fourth Instalment | EUR 2.298.850.575 EUR 16.091.954.023 (loan) |
Q2 2023 |
Payment Request for the Fifth Instalment | EUR 8.045.977.011 EUR 12.643.678.161 (loan) |
Q4 2023 |
Payment Request for the Sixth Instalment | EUR 2.298.850.575 EUR 10.344.827.586 (loan) |
Q2 2024 |
Payment Request for the Seventh Instalment | EUR 6.321.839.080 EUR 14.942.528.736 (loan) |
Q4 2024 |
Payment Request for the Eight Instalment | EUR 2.298.850.575 EUR 10.344.827.586 (loan) |
Q2 2025 |
Payment Request for the Ninth Instalment | EUR 4.597.701.149 EUR 10.344.827.586 (loan) |
Q4 2025 |
Payment Request for the Tenth Instalment | EUR 8.535.686.161 EUR 12.256.982.814 (loan) |
Q2 2026 |
Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)
The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:
Number of Milestones | Name of Milestone | Value of whole measure | Indicator | Progress & Comments |
Milestone 1 | Simplification and acceleration of procedures for energy efficiency interventions (Reform M2C3R1.1) |
Provision in the legal act(s) indicating the entry into force | Completed
(linked to instalment 1)
See progress for sub-milestones below: |
Milestone 1.1 | National portal for energy efficiency of buildings launched, including one-stop-shop
One-stop shop portal to provide assistance and information | Completed
(link to the portal)
Milestone 1.2 | Information and training plan strengthened
Since 31 January 2021, and every three years after that, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, prepares an information and training programme to promote and facilitate the efficient use of energy and submits it to the Ministry for approval. |
The Plan of Information and Training for 2021-2023 was adopted on 21 December 2021 based on Article 12 (2) of the Decree Law n. 73 of 14 July 2020. |
Milestone 1.3 | Entering into force of amendments to legislation on national fund for energy efficiency fostering greater use of available resources
Strengthen the National Fund for Energy Efficiency (FNEE) with additional EUR 8 million per year as of 2022 to support the loans at favourable interest rates and public guarantees offered by the FNEE to support energy efficiency measures in public buildings and enterprises |
Milestone 1.4 | Regulatory review of resources allocated to PREPAC [Building Requalification Programme of the Central Public Administration] | Aim to accelerate the implementation phase of projects financed by PREPAC. |
Milestone 2 | Strengthening of the Ecobonus and Sismabonus for energy efficiency and building safety
(Investment 2.1) M2C3I2.1 |
€12 053 million | Entry into force of legal act to extend the Ecobonus and Sismabonus benefits until 31 December 2022 for condominiums and 30 June 2023 for social housing (IACP) | Completed
(linked to instalment 1)
More information on the schemes: |
Milestone 3 | Funds for the competitiveness of tourism enterprises (sub-milestone of Investment 4.2)
M1C3 4.2
€893 million (loan) (part of) | Adoption of the investment policy for EIB Thematic Fund; National Tourism Fund, SME Guarantee Fund, Fondo Rotativo
The investment policy shall envisage that 50% of the fund is dedicated to energy efficiency measures.
The final milestone of the Fondo Rotativo will support at least 300 enterprises by Q4 2025
(linked to instalment 1)
Decree on the operation of the Fondo Rotativo adopted (read here in Italian).
Requirements, conditions and criteria for participation in the scheme. (link)
Milestone 4 | M1C3.I1.3 – Improve energy efficiency in cinema, theatres and museums | €210 million | Entry into force of the Ministry of Culture decree for the allocation of
resources to improve energy efficiency in places of culture |
The measures foreseen two future targets (M1C3-4 and M1C3-5): 80 interventions completed by Q3 2023 (middle step) and a total of 420 interventions completed by Q4 2025 (final step) |
All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.