Last update: 1 April 2022
Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Spanish Country Profile)
Spain’s NRRP comprises measures worth €69.5bn. €7.8bn (11%) is allocated to buildings, the majority of which is for renovation across residential and public buildings (€6.8bn, ~10%). The residential sector attracts the highest share of investment, including €3.6bn for a multi-measure renovation programme for economic and social recovery in residential environments, €1bn for a ‘Regeneration and Demographic Challenge’ programme focused on smaller municipalities and low-income areas. €758m is allocated to renovation of public buildings, in addition to renovation activities supported by a €1bn allocation for the modernisation of public services, and €135m for energy efficiency of sports facilities. €1bn is allocated to the construction of new buildings for social housing.
Read the full Spanish Country Profile here.
Disbursements’ timeline
- 2021-08-17: The European Commission disbursed €9,036,636,649 in pre-financing to Spain (13% of its financial allocation under the RRF, fully consisting of grants).
- 2021-11-09: Spain and the European Commission sign the Operational Arrangements.
- 2021-11-12: Spain submitted the first payment request of €10 billion (net of pre-financing). This first payment request relates to 52 milestones covering several reforms.
- 2022-12-03: The Commission published a positive preliminary assessment of the satisfactory fulfilment of all 52 milestones and targets in relation to the first payment request.
- 2021-12-27: The Commission disbursed the first payment of €10 billion to Spain.
- 2022-04-30: Spain submits the second payment request of €12 billion which relates to 40 milestones.
- 2022-06-27: The Commission published a positive preliminary assessment of the satisfactory fulfilment of 40 milestones in relation to the second payment request.
- 2022-07-29: The Commission disbursed the second payment of €12 billion to Spain.
Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)
Payment Request for the First Instalment | EUR 11.494.252.874 | Q4 2021 |
Payment Request for the Second Instalment | EUR 13.793.103.448 | Q1 2022 |
Payment Request for the Third Instalment | EUR 6.896.551.724 | Q3 2022 |
Payment Request for the Fourth Instalment | EUR 11.494.252.874 | Q1 2023 |
Payment Request for the Fifth Instalment | EUR 8.045.977.011 | Q3 2023 |
Payment Request for the Sixth Instalment | EUR 9.195.402.299 | Q1 2024 |
Payment Request for the Seventh Instalment | EUR 3.995.348.232 | Q1 2025 |
Payment Request for the Eighth Instalment | EUR 4.597.701.149 | Q3 2026 |
Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)
The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:
Number of Milestones | Name of Milestone | Value of whole measure | Indicator | Progress & Comments |
Milestone 1 |
Implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda (and associated action plan)
Entry into force of Spanish Urban Agenda and action plan and publication of ERESEE strategy (Reform C2.R1)
Completed. (linked to instalment 1) Publication of the “Spanish Urban Agenda” (‘AUE’) and the “Long-Term Renovation Strategy for Energy Rehabilitation in the Building Sector in Spain” (‘ERESEE’), as updated in June 2020:
Milestone 2 | Housing Law – increase in supply of social housing to NZEB standard (Reform C2.R3)
Entry into force of the Housing Law, including actions supporting the increase of housing supply in compliance with nearly zero-energy buildings | Delayed, due to discussion and lack of agreement at the Parliament.
Linked to instalment 4 |
Milestone 3 | Law on the Quality of Architecture and Building Environment and New National Architecture Strategy – boosting stock of NZEB (Reform C2.R4)
Entry into force of the Law on Quality of Architecture and the Building Environment | Completed (disbursement of funding linked to instalment 4). Law of Quality of Architecture 9/2022, of June 14th, with specific mention to boosting NZEB in renovation; National Architecture Strategy to be elaborated 12 months after. | |
Milestone 4 | Extension of Renovation offices (‘one-stop-shop’) (Reform C2.R5)
Facilitated by the Programme 2 of the Royal Decree 853/2022 of October 5th , but still to see how it is developed by the Regions (Comunidades Autónomas), which are the competent administration. The objective of this reform is to encourage and extend local renovation offices previously set up at the local level, and only in some municipalities, to include the local, regional and central government levels. To this end, this measure establishes a process to ensure an effective collaboration, cooperation and coordination between the central, regional and/or local governments. | Completed
(linked to instalment 2)
Milestone 5
Improved funding for renovation actions
Revised financing for renovation – new credit institute, reform of Horizontal Property, encouragement of green finance (Reform C2.R6)
Entry into force of the amendments to the Horizontal Property Law to facilitate funding for rehabilitation | Completed. (funding disbursement linked to instalment 4). The ICO (Instituto de Crédito Oficial) is about to launch a financial line with a 50% guarantee. The Horizontal property Law has been amended with the Royal Decree Law 19/2021 of October 5th and the consequent. Law 10/2022 of Urgent measures to foster the renovation activity within the NRRP of June 14th, to legally facilitate ownership communities to take collective decisions and to enable them contract renovation financing, among others. | |
Milestone 6 | Rehabilitation programme for economic and social recovery in residential environments
C2.I1 (incl. sub-components C2.I1.a.i; C2.I1b.i, C2.I1b.ii) |
€2850 | Entry into force of a Royal Decree to establish and regulate aid programmes to promote residential renovation and social housing. The Royal Decree will lay down technical requirements to ensure compliance with the 30% average reduction in primary energy demand.
Completed (linked to instalment 2). Royal Decree 853/2021 of 5 October regulating the programmes to support residential renovations and social housing of the NRRP (link). In particular, it establishes and regulates a number of support programmes for investment, including: – Energy renovation actions at neighbourhood level (grants and other support estimated to, on average, reach EUR 20,000 per dwelling, structured in three levels of support according to energy savings reached) – Energy renovation actions at building level (Energy renovations of residential buildings by the provision of grants, via public calls, of, on average, EUR 15 000 per dwelling. The level of support shall be divided in three levels, and the level of support foreseen shall be higher for actions for which the reduction of primary energy demand is higher and for low-income households) |
Milestone 7 | Programme for the construction of social rented housing in energy-efficient buildings
(Investment C2.I1c) |
€450 million
Entry into force of the Royal Decree-Law regulating personal income tax incentives to support the programme. A set of activities shall address the incentives for energy renovations. This comprises, among others: (i) the possibility to deduct renovations from the personal income tax if at least a 30 % primary energy demand reduction is achieved. The deduction regime may reach 40% of the amounts invested in the case of actions at the level of the dwelling, and up to and including 60% of the amounts invested in actions at residential building level. (ii) the improvement of the funding framework by encouraging public-private partnerships to finance energy renovation works that contribute to improving energy efficiency. These are meant to support the financing of building renovations by private financial institutions. It also establishes energy renovation agents/managers, as intermediaries to implement energy renovation or improvement actions that can be financed via one of the programmes established by the Royal Decree. In particular, this provision enables them to undertake an energy renovation project or improvement on behalf of owners or communities of owners to promote new energy renovation actions. | Completed (linked to instalment 2). Royal Decree Law 19/2021 of 5 October on urgent measures to promote energy renovations in buildings in the context of the Spanish NRRP (link).
All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.