Last update: 23 August 2022

Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Belgian Country Profile)

Belgium’s draft NRRP comprises planned investments of €5.9bn from the Recovery and Resilience facility. It allocates a high share of funds to a renovation component – around €967m (16%). €332m is allocated for improving the renovation subsidy schemes in the Flemish and Brussels-Capital regions, and approximately €120m is earmarked for social housing renovation in the Walloon region. €454m towards the renovation in the public sector, which encompasses €95m for schools, €114m for universities, sports, and cultural facilities, and €246m for other public buildings. A further €61m is included for early childcare infrastructure combining new buildings as well as renovation. Renovation-related measures are also included in other parts of the plan – e.g., renovation of and equipment for training facilities to support skills acquisition for the green transition.

Read the full Belgian Country Profile here.

Disbursements’ timeline

  • 2021-08-03: European Commission disburses €770 million in pre-financing to Belgium.

Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)

Operational Arrangements not yet signed.

Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)

The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:

Number of Milestones Name of Milestone Value of whole measure Indicator Progress & Comments
Milestone 1 Improve the subsidies scheme of the Flemish Region (revision energy label scheme, reduced VAT; smart controls for heat pumps, electric boilers, electric storage & home batteries) (Reform R-1.01) €233.32 million (together with milestone 1)


Milestone 2 Improve the subsidy scheme in Brussels- Capital region (Reform R-1.02) €16 million (investment part) The investment is expected to support 3717 energy efficiency renovations by Q1 2022 Completed
Milestone 3 Improve the subsidy scheme in German-speaking Community (Reform R-1.03) €5 million (investment part) The investments is expected to support 815 medium to deep energy-efficient renovations Entry into force of regulation to reform the energy grant schemes for residential and private renovations in the German Community
Milestone 4 ‘Renovation of public buildings’ of the Walloon Region (Investment I-106) €59.54 million Completed

Entry into force of the regulation for the reform of the UREBA scheme for public building renovations in Wallonia (link).

Milestone 5 ‘Renovation of public buildings’ of the Brussels-Capital Region – Parliament to adopt electricity ordinance defining public service mission of Sibelga (Investment I-108) €32 million Completed

Development of a one-stop-shop (to be managed by SIBELGA, the operator of the electricity and gas distribution network in the Brussels Region, under a public service obligation) to facilitate and accelerate deep energy renovations of public buildings of local and regional authorities in Brussels.

All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.