Last update: 23 August 2022

Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Bulgarian Country Profile)

Bulgaria’s draft NRRP comprised measures worth €10bn of which €6.5bn from the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility. It allocates a relatively high share of funding to energy efficiency – nearly €1.4bn of which €947m from the Recovery Facility (14.6%), €318 m national financing, and €129 m private financing. The largest share of energy efficiency measures targets multifamily residential buildings (€627m), followed by state and municipal buildings (€185m), and industrial and commercial buildings (€118m). Around €1.6m are in place for four reforms: one stop shop; quality of the energy efficiency certificates; digital system for management of the process; and assessment of the sustainability of projects. Around €3m are set aside for administrative capacity investment, and €7.5m for programme management and information campaigns. €4m are foreseen for a pilot project for rolling out building information modelling (BIM) and €1.5m for the creation of a unified information system for spatial planning, investment design and construction permitting.

Read the full Bulgarian Country Profile here.

Disbursements’ timeline

  • No disbursements made

Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)

Operational Arrangements not yet signed.

Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)

The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:

Number of Milestones Name of Milestone Value of whole measure Indicator Progress & Comments
Milestone 1 Investment 2.2.b – Guarantee instrument for energy efficiency and renewable energy

(C3.I2:Investment 2.2.b)

€37.5 million Signature of the contribution agreement between the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria To be requested under instalment 2
Milestone 2 Establishment of a National Fund for Decarbonisation (C4.R1)  

An assessment of the national energy efficiency regulatory framework shall be carried out by an independent expert panel To be requested under instalment 2
Milestone 3 Facilitating investments in energy efficiency renovations in residential buildings


Provision in the Condominium Ownership Management Act indicating the entry into force of the amendments with the aim to, among others, facilitate decision-making by owners of individual sites in multi-apartment buildings To be requested under instalment 2
Milestone 4 Support for the renovation of the building stock (C4.I1) Links to investments below Publication of the Ministerial order establishing a national support scheme for energy efficiency renovation for residential and non-residential buildings To be requested under instalment 2
Milestone 5 Support for the renovation of the building stock: Sub-measure 1: Renovation of residential buildings (C4.I1) €608.18 million Publication of call specifications To be requested under instalment 2
Milestone 6 Support for the renovation of the building stock: Sub-measure 2: Renovation of non-residential buildings, including public buildings and Sub-measure 3: Renovation of non-residential buildings in manufacturing, trade and services, as well as buildings from the tourism sector (C4.I1) €315.08 million Publication of call specifications To be requested under instalment 2

All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.