Last update: 23 August 2022

Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Hungarian Country Profile)

Hungary’s final NRRP request was for approximately €7.2bn in grants and excluded the initially proposed use of loans. Unlike other plans, the NRRP has no designated energy renovation component or clearly set renovation targets. It includes building renovation elements across several components, including energy, education, workforce competitiveness, public health, demography and the ‘Emerging Settlements’ programme. The energy component includes a heat electrification and solar energy programme in the residential sector providing €444 m¹ for lower-income households. The Emerging Settlements component uses €184m to finance the construction of 600 social-rented homes and the renovation of 2,500 existing buildings to improve housing conditions. €32m is planned for community-owned solar projects, where revenue will be used for the improvement of housing conditions. Infrastructural development plans in the public sector cover university buildings (€179m), vocational institutions (€263m), day care nurseries (€111m). They include both renovation and new construction, but there is no further detail of the split between them. The share of funding allocated to infrastructural development in the public health sector cannot be clearly identified.

Read the full Hungarian Country Profile here.

Disbursements’ timeline

  • No disbursements made

Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)

Operational Arrangements not yet signed.

Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)

The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:

Number of Milestones Name of Milestone Value of whole measure Indicator Progress & Comments
Milestone 1 Modernisation of infrastructure and digitalisation in higher education institutions – Energy efficiency renovation




A call for projects regarding energy efficiency renovation (at least 22,5%), construction of new buildings (2,5%), purchase and installation of digital equipment and capacity development activities (at least 41,5%) in higher education institutions shall be launched.





Milestone 2 Support for the use of residential solar panels and heating modernisation – Renovation

(C6.I2.2 )


This measure shall benefit households exposed to higher-than-average risk of energy poverty.






Launch of the call for proposals for projects regarding the use of residential solar panels (activity type 1) and heating modernisation, including also replacement of windows, installation of storage devices and electric heating system. (activity type 2)


The measure shall benefit 34 920 households, of which at least 11 600 households shall carry out the investment falling under the second type of activity.





Milestone 3 Construction and renovation of social housing, improvement of housing conditions




An Intervention Plan shall be adopted to identify the renovation needs and the settlements where new social houses shall be built or purchased


The measure shall consist of purchasing and renovating at least 1 600 dwellings, as well as building 400 new houses and renting them out as social houses.




All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.