Last update: 23 August 2022

Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Irish Country Profile)

Ireland’s NRRP includes investments of €989m combining national funds and the EU’s Recovery Fund. NRRP priority 1: Advancing the Green Transition has been allocated the most significant share of funding of €518m (52%), out of which €369m will be climate related. Energy efficiency investment amounts to €155m (%16). €40m will go to the de-risking of a low cost residential retrofit loan scheme through the use of loan guarantees and €60m is allocated to a Public Sector Retrofit Pathfinder project and a Public Sector Buildings’ Energy Retrofit Programme for deep retrofit of public offices. An accelerated decarbonisation of the enterprise sector through the provision of support for Irish SMEs and exporters to address their emissions is also foreseen and receives €55m. Further funding of €114m will be available under priority 3 which includes the SOLAS Green Skills Action programme covering energy renovation and NZEB upskilling as well as other skills for a low-carbon economy.

Read the full Irish Country Profile here.

Disbursements’ timeline

  • No disbursements made

Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)

Operational Arrangements not yet signed.

Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)

The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:

Number of Milestones Name of Milestone Value of whole measure Indicator Progress & Comments
Milestone 1.1 De-risking a Low Cost Residential Retrofit Loan Scheme: establishment of financial instrument and first loan guarantee contract signed (1.1) €30 Establishment of the financial instrument: signature of contractual agreement between the relevant ministries and the SBCI and concluding the related investment strategy/policy Completed

(funding request linked to instalment 1 according to NRRP)

Milestone 1.2 Derisking a Low Cost Residential Retrofit Loan Scheme First loan guarantee contract signed by at least one participating credit institution and the guarantors. Unclear
Milestone 2 Accelerate the Decarbonisation of the Enterprise Sector (1.2) €55 Launch of call for proposals issued Unclear

(Linked to instalment 5)

Milestone 3 Public sector buildings’ energy retrofit programme (1.3) €60 Commencement of the retrofit works Completed

(Linked to instalment 1)

Milestone 4.1 Solas Recovery Skills Response Programme (3.2) €29 All ‘Skills to Compete’ skill provision opportunities shall have been published and made available for learners enrolment. Unclear

(Linked to instalment 1)

Milestone 4.2 Solas Recovery Skills Response Programme All green skills modules and provision opportunities shall have been published and made available for booking Unclear

(Linked to instalment 1)

All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.