Last update: 18 July 2022
Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Polish Country Profile)
The final version of the NRRP includes measures for €36bn in total, comprising a request for €23.9bn in grants, and €12.1bn in loans. Around €7bn (19.7%) is allocated to building-related activities, at individual building level and through cities. More than half of the buildings funding (€3.9bn, 10.7% of total funding) is earmarked for renovation. This includes allocating €3.2bn to single- and multi-family residential buildings for energy efficiency improvements and heat replacements, and €300m for energy efficiency improvements in large enterprises, including building and process modernisation and renewable energy installations. €290m are allocated to schools, and €67m to local activity centres. An additional €2.8bn is foreseen as loans for new ‘green’ buildings in cities and €388m is dedicated to replacing old and inefficient district heat networks.
Read the full Polish Country Profile here.
Disbursements’ timeline
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Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements) - Operational Arrangements not yet signed
The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:
Number of Milestones | Name of Milestone | Value of whole measure | Indicator | Progress & Comments |
Milestone 1 | Clean air and energy efficiency (B1.1 – B1G) | Entry into force of an act amending the Energy Efficiency Act and associated legislative acts (law on supporting thermomodernisation and renovations and on the central emission register of buildings; the law on financial support for the creation of residential premises for rent; the law on some types of housing support; and the law on renewable energy sources) which shall enable entities covered by the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme to settle energy saving obligations within the framework of so-called subsidy programmes. | Linked to instalment 1
(not yet submitted)
Adoption of the updated National Air Protection Programme by the Minister of Climate and Environment
Among others: (5) Exclusion of new coal-fired heaters from public support programmes as of 1 January 2022 |
All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.