The Energy Efficiency Directive – Ready for Take-Off if Member States Act Decisively

Will the Energy Efficiency Directive, as agreed by the Member States, the European Parliament and the European Commission on the 13th June fly? It has elements in it that could, if properly and fully implemented at Member State level, see increased energy efficiency take-off, but its propositions on building renovations will not contribute as much as they could to the voluntary target of a 20% increase in energy efficiency by 2020! For the existing EU building stock, the text is not as ambitious as it could have been as the Member States remain unconvinced about the huge social, environmental…

Renovate Europe issues concrete recommendations on financing energy efficiency

What are the challenges ahead for financing energy efficiency in the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework period? Which successful examples of financing instruments and partnership models can be promoted to encourage further investment in energy efficiency? Which initiatives need to be supported at the national and EU level to ensure that the potential of energy efficiency is transformed into real long-term economic benefits in the future? Workshop on the Multi-Annual Financial Framework   Knowledge Building Workshop on the use of the MFF for Energy Efficient Investments in Buildings On…

Open Letter to Finance Ministers in the Member States of the EU

Dear Ministers, We write to you to let you know that strong provisions on buildings in the EU Energy Efficiency Directive is a real economic opportunity. Good for business, good for competitiveness and growth, and good for job creation. Energy efficiency lifts our economies from the heavy burden of energy dependency and, in addition to helping us to meet our common climate protection goals, enables public and private revenue to be invested in more valuable areas than energy wastage. As a result, the building provisions in the EU Energy Efficiency Directive are supported by the broad coalition…

Open Letter to Finance Ministers of the EU Member States

Are you seeking low risk investments which offer high returns, stimulates growth and creates local, long-term jobs for your national economy? Then look no further than energy efficiency in buildings and seize the opportunity to support strong provisions for buildings in the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. This is the advice the Renovate Europe Campaign has addressed to the 27 EU Finance Ministers in an Open Letter.  

Knowledge-Building Workshop on the use of the MFF for Energy Efficient Investments in Buildings

Workshop on the Multi-Annual Financial Framework Knowledge Building Workshop on the use of the MFF for Energy Efficient Investments in Buildings On the 22nd March 2012, the Renovate Europe Campaign organised in Brussels a high-level Workshop on the use of the MFF for energy efficient investment in buildings. The Workshop formed part of a series of events on financing energy efficiency in buildings that will take place in 2012. The Workshop was by invitation only ( see Agenda ) and approximately 60 experts and stakeholders attended to share their experiences and knowledge with the Campaign…

Investing in energy efficiency in buildings tackles Europe’s budget/growth dilemma says new report

Brussels, 4 November 2011 – A new study on the effects of investing in the renovation of Europe’s buildings underlines that investing in energy efficiency in buildings is a key tool to help balance budgets and bring growth back to the European economy. In 2010 for every one euro invested by the German federal government into loans to energy efficiency measures, five euro of combined tax receipts and expenditure savings were made. With the Energy Efficiency Directive under discussion in the European Parliament and Council, the Study’s findings call into question those who have publicly doubted…