Welcome to Renovate Europe‘s newsletter!
Here are the highlights of the last months.
Last Tuesday 6th of June, the trilogue negotiations between the Council of the European Union, European Commission and European Parliament concerning the recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive started. The EPBD is the crucial final piece of legislation in the Fit-for-55 Package, and represents THE opportunity to translate the political discourse on slashing energy imports into tangible action – the outcome of these trilogues cannot be underestimated!
In parallel, the Campaign has put its focus on the high potential that the Multi-annual Financial Framework can have to support renovations. For it, together with E3G, we prepared the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy Support for Energy Efficiency and Building Renovation study in which we take a look on how EU member states are planning to use this funding and we highlight key actions to maximise impact.
Finally, we will pay attention to the first C4E Forum organised by Renovate Europe. The fourth edition of the Forum took place between 23-26 May in Šamorín, Slovakia. The event brought together up to 250 participants representing all sectors and from all across Central and Eastern Europe for three fruitful days of networking and knowledge-sharing.
Read the full Newsletter here.